Remedial Massage

Remedial massage treats muscle, tendon and joint dysfunctions using a variety of techniques. It is about assessing a patient’s condition, devising a treatment plan, applying it and attempting to improve it to a point where it can be managed. 

Some of the techniques employed by a remedial masseur include deep tissue, trigger point, MFR (MyoFascial Release), MET (Muscle Energy Technique), ART (Active Release Technique) and PNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation).

Massage strokes employed during a treatment vary from light to strong, superficial to deep depending on the condition/s that a patient presents with.

At Easey Therapies we use a high quality Australian made natural water dispersible professional massage oil which is derived from a blend of healthful, edible plant oils. 

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85 Easey Street, Collingwood Melbourne
Phone: 0422 847 041

Opening Hours

Monday to Thursday 12noon to 5:00pm
Friday 12noon to 4:30pm
Saturday 10:30am to 1:30pm
Closed Sundays

© Copyright 2023 Easey Therapies Pty Ltd