
What does cupping involve?

Cupping is generally thought to have originated from China however it has actually been traced to the Egyptians dating as far back as 1500bc. The traditional Chinese style of cupping uses glass jars and a naked flame to produce a vacuum effect before placing the cup onto the client’s skin. At Easey Therapies we use plastic cups and a vacuum pump instead of a naked flame for static or stationary cupping. For gliding we use silicone cups as this is much gentler on the skin when applying this technique.

Cupping can help ease tight and painful muscles. It is particularly good to use on an area that is too painful to exert an appropriately firm pressure using a thumb, hand or elbow.

The Chinese and others believe that cupping draws old blood from deeper layers of the muscle. They also believe it brings toxins and other unwanted substances to the skin surface.

At Easey Therapies we primarily use cupping due to the positive effect it can have on muscle tightness and pain.

It is normally used in conjunction with massage treatment.

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85 Easey Street, Collingwood Melbourne
Phone: 0422 847 041

Opening Hours

Monday to Thursday 12noon to 5:00pm
Friday 12noon to 4:30pm
Saturday 10:30am to 1:30pm
Closed Sundays

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