Dry Needling

What is dry needling?

Dry needling is called “dry” as the needle it uses is solid and hence is not used to inject a fluid. Through various trials and subsequent applications it has shown to be an effective method to release tight and contracted points in muscles.

Dry Needling is particularly appropriate where a client has a trigger point that is too painful to exert any reasonable sort of pressure. Dry Needling is virtually painless and ideally elicits a twitch response within the muscle allowing the body’s biochemistry to produce a natural analgesic.

Here at Easey Therapies we use Redcoral Myotech dry needles which are made from a high grade German surgical steel. They are a one use only needle.

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85 Easey Street, Collingwood Melbourne
Phone: 0422 847 041
e: james@easeytherapies.com

Opening Hours

Monday to Thursday 12noon to 5:00pm
Friday 12noon to 4:30pm
Saturday 10:30am to 1:30pm
Closed Sundays

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