Specialising in ...

Remedial Massage

“Massage has had a positive effect on every medical condition we’ve looked at."

Tiffany Field, Ph.D
Director, Touch Research Institute, Miami

relaxation massage ideal to unwind with gentle touch


Myotherapy comes from the latin word “myo” meaning muscle. However over the years it has expanded to include not only muscle but joint, tendons, nerves and bone dysfunctions. Myotherapy involves assessing, diagnosing, treating and managing musculoskeletal conditions. These conditions can often cause pain and/or dysfunction which may affect normal movement and mobility.  

massage therapist using elbows for deep tissue massage

Remedial Massage

Remedial massage treats muscle, tendon and joint dysfunctions using a variety of techniques. It is about assessing a patient’s condition, devising a treatment plan, applying it and attempting to improve it to a point where it can be managed. 

massage therapist using elbows for deep tissue massage


Cupping is generally thought to have originated from China however it has actually been traced to the Egyptians dating as far back as 1500bc. Cupping can help ease tight and painful muscles. It is normally used in conjunction with massage and other techniques. 

massage therapist using elbows for deep tissue massage

Dry Needling

Dry needling is called “dry” as the needle it uses is solid and hence is not used to inject a fluid. Through various trials and subsequent applications it has shown to be an effective method to release tight and contracted points in muscles.

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85 Easey Street, Collingwood Melbourne
Phone: 0422 847 041
e: james@easeytherapies.com

Opening Hours

Monday to Thursday 12noon to 5:00pm
Friday 12noon to 4:30pm
Saturday 10:30am to 1:30pm
Closed Sundays

© Copyright 2023 Easey Therapies Pty Ltd